Green Tea - Studies that show how it helps with Fasting, Weight Loss and Metabolism
Green Tea has had many scientific studies done on it to see its benefits towards metabolism, weight loss and fasting. We put together and summarized some of those studies that show the positive effect of Green Tea. IF Tea's Intermittent Fasting Tea combined Green Tea, Yerba Mate and Black Tea as well as many other ingredients geared towards helping with fasting and metabolism -
The Many Wonders of Green Tea: A Scientific Overview
Green tea has been a part of many tea parties and breakfast routines for quite some time. For some, this drink may be an awful version of teas, while some consider it a relaxant and good digestive means. While green tea's popularity has seemed to grow, many people are still unaware of the health wonders that come with green tea. -
Your Intermittent Fasting Strategy: How does it exactly Work?
Intermittent fasting is a method to prevent the risk of various diseases without causing any side effects. It involves different eating and fasting periods, which allows your body to manage the sugar and insulin levels.
Read the article to learn how this fasting works and what the benefits of this fasting are.
What is Intermittent Fasting
Recognize intermittent fasting is just that - a lifestyle change. However, shifting to an intermittent fasting lifestyle doesn’t have to turn your world upside down. There are several eating schedule options to choose from. You can decide what method of fasting works best for you.